The Mandala Model

The Mandala Model is the core of our tools and processes; a different kind of competency model

Why Our Competency Model Is Different


The individual competencies within the competency model are explicitly linked and build on one another to create more complex outcomes; this makes development planning, job design, and other talent processes both logical and organized


The Mandala Model contains 27 individual items; each item has a simple label and short definition; items do not ‘double dip’ into similar skills and clearly occupy their own space

Observable and Outcome Driven

Mandala Model items are written to be observable behaviors and results, not invisible such as inherent traits or values; people can assess them and also restate them in their own words

The Four Layers of the Mandala Model


The central layer of the mandala includes behaviors which are the foundations of leadership

The First Circle: Personal Leadership

Outcomes defining success as a member of a team, when results are achieved through individual performance and collaboration with peers

The Second Circle: Team Leadership

Outcomes defining success as the achievement of groups, whether led directly or indirectly

The Third Circle: Organizational Leadership

Outcomes defining success as an organizational unit (department, division, or full company), requiring multiple functions and disciplines

mandala competency model

Want to read the full detail of the items in the center of our competency model, The Virtues?